Student Biography
Building Statistics
Thesis Abstract
Technical Assignments
Thesis Proposal
Final Report
Senior Thesis E-Studio
Technical Report 1
Technical Report 2
Technical Report 3


Technical Report 3
Tech Report 3

Executive Summary
            The purpose of technical report 3 is to evaluate the existing mechanical systems. It lays out the mechanical equipment that make up each system, and the sequence of operation for each system. It summarizes the ventilation evaluation from the first technical report, and the energy consumption analysis from the second technical report. The technical report ends with a LEED certification analysis.
            The current mechanical system surpasses the ventilation requirements of ASHRAE 62.1-2013 and 170-2013 due to the 100% outdoor air system. The cooling and heating loads calculated vary slightly from the actual design due to the design engineers using standard UFC-4-510 as the basis of design. The analysis for cooling and heating loads used ASHRAE 62.1 for level 6 offices, and ASHRAE 170 for level 5 medical rooms which explains the discrepancies between the design and calculated cooling and heating loads.
            The army medical center uses a steam to water heat exchanger to produce heating water for the building. The steam is first produced by a steam boiler with a stack economizer to recover heat. The heating water is preheated using a heat recovery chiller which recovers heat from the return chilled water and rejects the heat into the return heating water. On the cooling side, the chilled water is sent through centrifugal chillers after the heat recovery chiller. All of the air handlers supply 100% outdoor air, they preheat the air using enthalpy wheels to recover energy from the general exhaust.
            A LEED analysis was performed using the version 4 scorecard which differs from the version 2.2 scorecard the design engineers used. The analysis showed an increase in Energy & Atmosphere credits for optimizing energy performance. The newest version of the LEED scorecard offers more points for building automation and energy metering.


Contact: mac5738@psu.edu
This page was last updated on 9/7/2014, by Marissa Caldwell and is hosted by the AE Department © 2014